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Saturday, March 5, 2016

First Week in March

With the help from a co-worker my menu this week was easy. I have been under the weather for a couple days so an easy menu was important.

Now days, I have just about eliminated the large grocery stores. I really hate a large busy store. So, today we shopped at Trader Joe's and Aldi's

I try to buy organic fruit and veggies using the "The Dirty dozen and clean 15 of produce" list. If I can't find organic that's in my price range I use a recipe I found on line that eliminates most of the pesticides on the produce using a bit of white vinegar.

This Week's Menu:

2 days of Grass Feed Beef Dogs with chili               
Tacos with corn relish                                
Taco salad
Turkey Caesar Salad
Ribs with grilled veggies and yams
One day out to dinner

Lunches: Potato salad, fruit salad, corn relish, chicken sandwiches. Everything done on Saturday including cooking all the meat on the grill. We use charcoal hardwood and chimney starter.

Out BBQ is much larger than this. Hardwood charcoal burns faster without chemicals

What veggies and fruit did you buy this week:

Celery, broccoli, cilantro, lemons, lines, zucchini, jalapenos, apples, tomatoes, carrots, grapefruit, mushrooms, pablano peppers, avocados, blue berries, unsweetened applesauce, and a bag of red potatoes.
I always wash all the produce with a brush and the ones that I don't buy organic get the vinegar bath. Items in red were organic.

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